Saturday, May 14, 2011

Baking Experiment - Cookie Bouquets

My lovely mother bought me a little book on cookie bouquets for Christmas and I decided to test it out with a few birthday cookie bouquets. They actually turned out really well!

This one is just sugar cookies that you turn into pin wheels. Such a good idea and so easy to make.

I baked the cookies with sticks coming out the bottom. Then took a vase and put floral styrofoam with tissue paper inside the vase. I arranged the pin wheels and stuck the sticks into the foam.

That's about it. But the cookies were really good and the red hots in the middle are both decorative and delicious!

This cookie bouquet is actually made with cake balls covered in almond bark. So I made the cake balls and stuck wooden skewers in the middle.

The flowers are just paper cut-outs I made by outlining flower and star cookie cutters. If you layer numerous cut out of different sizes and color it's makes the flowers look very cool.

I used the same technique for the vase but used brown paper instead of tissue paper. Arranged skewers how you want and stick them in the styrofoam.

Like the sugar cookies, the cake balls are amazing and easy to make.

So cookie bouquets are easy to make and don't take very long to assemble. I'm a big fan and will definitely make more in the future.

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